Thursday, August 7, 2008

Laughs and Bottles

Grandma Pat said today, "oh, she is so beautiful!" Erin responded,"She must have gotten her looks from Jon...because I still have mine!" Thanks Grandpa Doug, for sharing your sense of humor with your daughter. Ceili spent about two hours with Grandma Pat and Marigene while Jon and Erin ran some errands. On the left you'll find a picture of Ceili praying for mom and dad to return, " please save me!" Everything is still going well and we are getting closer to our move date. Erin is getting ready to return to work in September so Jon fed Ceili her first bottle of pumped milk today. She didn't like the bottle but she ate it anyway. Way to go Ceili!

1 comment:

Elizabeth said...

Isaac says: "She's cute. Where do they live? We should have supper with them sometime so I can hold baby Ceili."