Sunday, August 30, 2009

Does summer have to be over?

Well, summer has certainly slipped by and it is starting to feel like Autumn! We have had a very busy summer, filled with adventures and activities.

Ceili has been using her musical talents like playing this drum. She marches all over...I guess you could say she marches to her own beat!

Jon taught her to blow bubbles in the water. She loves "motorboat!" We didn't have many days when it was warm enough to do this, so we took good advantage of them when we could.

We took many road trips. Ceili is a very good traveler! This happens to be a picture of a time when she'd had ENOUGH!

She likes to help Erin with housework! Somehow she doesn't understand that the swiffer only works on the wood floor...not the carpet!

Ceili and Kavu are great pals! Kavu is so patient with her. Ceili even climbs into her bed to snuggle with her!

We started a painting project with Grandma O! Ceili thought that the foot washing tub was a perfect spot to splash in!

Ceili is wearing one of Jon's old T-shirts!
Too cute!
Hope everyone enjoyed their summer!