We recently traveled to Iowa to visit Great Grandpa Burgers. Ceili enjoyed watching movies with him on the computer. When we returned from Iowa, Ceili and Erin got together with their friends Sophia and Michelle for a day at the fun fair. They got to ride on a merry-go-round. 
Ceili has been working on potty training and is doing very well! She has gone about two weeks with fewer than six accidents. She even stays dry at nap time! She wears a diaper at night but it is often dry in the morning and she asks to sit on the potty.
We decided to add some chickens to our garden this year. Jon and Ceili went to pick out the kinds of chickens and Ceili picked out one she wants to name Rosie. The chicks will arrive on April 14th and will be in a brooder for about three weeks to a month before being moved outside to the new coop. In the meantime, Ceili enjoys playing in the coop. 
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