Ceili has been very talkative lately. She is constantly telling stories and asking questions as well as singing. Her favorite songs are "row, row, row, your boat", "twinkle, twinkle, little star", and "bah, bah, black sheep". She often sings them as a medley.

Erin and Ceili made play-dough the other day and that was a huge hit. Ceili loved help make it on the stove and is having a great time making it into "snakes and hot dogs". She says that they are too hot and need to cool off in her kitchen. She also pretends to eat them and shares them with us. It's neat to watch her say "stop, too hot " and try to cool it down for us by blowing on it.

She figured out how to swing on her tummy on the big girl swing. She thinks she is an airplane and she puts her arm "wings" out and flies to Chicago! She loves it outside. She and Jon are out there as much as they possibly can be; in the garden, watching the bees, going for walks and visiting with neighbors. We had a rain day this week, so Jon and Ceili "camped" out in sleeping bags. She loved playing inside it. We are working her up to try camping so we're letting her get used to sleeping bags!

Last week Grandma Otis stopped to have her car washed and Ceili was happy to provide the labor while Nina took a nap!
We also went to the zoo with our friends and Ceili had fun hanging out with Gus. They liked the peacocks, monkeys and riding on the train. Ceili is still talking about the polar bear.

She figured out how to swing on her tummy on the big girl swing. She thinks she is an airplane and she puts her arm "wings" out and flies to Chicago! She loves it outside. She and Jon are out there as much as they possibly can be; in the garden, watching the bees, going for walks and visiting with neighbors. We had a rain day this week, so Jon and Ceili "camped" out in sleeping bags. She loved playing inside it. We are working her up to try camping so we're letting her get used to sleeping bags!
We are starting to plan for her 2nd Birthday. It's so hard to believe that she is going to be 2! Everyone says it will go fast and they are right! We only believe she is two when we here things like, "MINE!" or when things have to go her way and there is no reasoning! All a part of her development!!!

Last week Grandma Otis stopped to have her car washed and Ceili was happy to provide the labor while Nina took a nap!
We also went to the zoo with our friends and Ceili had fun hanging out with Gus. They liked the peacocks, monkeys and riding on the train. Ceili is still talking about the polar bear.
1 comment:
hello otises!
love seeing the ceili fun here. :)
hugs to you all!
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