2009 was filled with many great memories. It is amazing to us how much a baby changes from 6 monthes old to 18 months old. We have seen Ceili grow so much and feel blessed to create these memories!
Ceili's Godparents, Jamie and Debbie
St. Patrick's Day Celebration!
Fun in the Sun
First Birthday...mmmmmm cake!
Me and Daddy at the Zoo!
Visiting the Farm with Grandpa!
Halloween! I loved getting my face painted!
Friend's Thanksgiving.
Lucy (left),
Aiden (middle)
Ceili (right)
Monkey Business
Hope everyone had Happy Holidays! Ceili and Jon went Christmas Tree hunting early in December and came home with this beauty! They also picked up a wreath with birch bark bows!
There are so many other memories and great pictures from 2009. Check out our Shutterfly link if you'd like to look through them. We have had a great year. And resolve to post more often in 2010. I'm thinking there will be a new video of Ceili at her daily 4:00 Dance Party! Or Clippity Clopping on her new "pony."
One of Ceili's biggest changes has been her vocabulary. She says words I didn't even think she knew! And at Christmas she used a 4 word sentence! "Papa on the phone!"
She is also adament about getting her diaper changed as soon as it's soiled. She points and says "Diaper!" So, we just went out and picked out a potty chair. Not with expectations, but hey, we'd better be prepared here, no need for us to hold her back!
Ceili loves to be outside and this winter has been a long one so far. It has been very cold, so there haven't been many opportunities to play in the snow. We hope it warms up, just a little, so we can get some fresh air!
Ceili is very interested in our computer. (Maybe she can do her own posts soon!) We've tried not to use it around her much because she just wants to push the buttons. Jon showed her some Elmo videos on it and I think she's trying to find more! It's gotten to the point where she gets really close to the computer and says, "No buttons for babies!" (Something she hears us tell her!)
She is so fun and such a joy to be around! We have really been enjoying our daughter!
We wish all of you the best in 2010. We hope to see you! Take care and best wishes!