On Sunday February 8th, Ceili was baptized. It was a very fun weekend. We were joined by Uncle Josh, Uncle Adam, Grandma O, and Grandma and Grandpa B. Ceili's sponsors were Debbie and Jamie Domras. Jon went to the mouth of the French River where it enters Lake Superior and got a jar full of water to use. Erin brought a pottery bowl that we had around the house to pour the water into. Ceili wore Erin's baptism dress and a necklace she got from Grandma O. Rev. Robyn Weaver was the pastor that baptized her. Ceili watched her very closely as Robyn spoke. Ceili handled everything as usual, with a great big smile on her face. Afterwards, Grandma and Grandpa B took us out to brunch at Blackwoods.
That tooth we were talking about is getting bigger. It doesn't seem to bother her anymore but Jon noticed the other day that she spends alot more time chewing on things now. Things like wooden chair arms and hard wooden toys, Ouch! I guess it feels good to her. We also gave her a half frozen washcloth and she seemed to enjoy the cold. Thanks for the tip Elizabeth.
Below are some photos from our weekend with more on shutterfly.