Wow, another busy month! Ceili started swimming classes at the YMCA. She is in a water babies class with her friends Sophia, Kaenen, Emma, and Laurel. Ceili loves the water and naturally kicks and splashes. It doesn't bother her to go under water, lay on her back or put her face in but she has yet to learn to make the motorboat sound with her mouth. We think she thinks it's a big group bath time. Grandma Otis is joining us for lessons this week and we hope Grandma Burgers can join us in the weeks to come.

We Celebrated St. Patrick's day in Red Wing again this year. Ceili's first St. Patrick's day. She got to celebrate with her friend Lucy Villaran. The girls wore dresses made by Jon's Captain's wife, Dietta Keppers. Jon, Erin, Mike, and Abby decorated their strollers for the Red Wing Parade. The weather was perfect and the day was alot of fun.

This coming weekend we are going to Longville to serve an Asian themed dinner for some members of Doug and Alicia's church. The guests bought their seat at an auction to benefit Salem Lutheran. Doug, Alicia, and Ceili will host, Kim and Erin will serve, and Jon and Nick will cook for six special guests. This will also be Ceili's first dinner party.
Erin has been quilting and getting the house ready for spring, Jon has been planning a garden and planting seeds. We all hope that the snow continues to melt and that spring does indeed come earlier than that darn groundhog predicted!
Ceili is now up to five and a half teeth (half because we have been watching one on the top hang out just barely breaking the surface). She has also been fighting a cold but we believe she will be done with it any day now. She continues to pull herself up to standing and is still scooting around on the floor but doesn't appear to like crawling very much.